Sunday, April 15, 2012

I Sam 20:1-21:15, Psalm 34

God places people in our lives for a reason. David had Jonathan as his most trusted friend. There were an unlikely duo considering Jonathan's father plotted to kill David on numerous occasions. 
Indeed, Jonathan was no "fair weather friend", and the value of it for David was immeasurable, as it literally saved his life when it was in jeopardy. God definitely had His hand there!

Friends are important, and God places significant people in our lives so we can help each other grow in Him as we face life's challenges.

Proverbs 27:17

New King James Version (NKJV)

17 17 As iron sharpens iron,
   So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
Just like one piece of iron can make the other piece of iron extremely sharp by rubbing up against it, two solid Christian friends can also have the same type of positive effect on one another by sharing their own personal walks in the Lord with one other. 
The friends I have encountered in my life have all played a pivotal role in His vision. Even the friends I only had for a season served a purpose, and I know God put them there. Whether it was to teach me a lesson, or help them through a difficult time, He had a reason, for us to learn together, and to lean on each other. 

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

New King James Version (NKJV)

The Value of a Friend

9Two are better than one,
Because they have a good reward for their labor.
10 10For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.
But woe to him who is alone when he falls,
For he has no one to help him up.

As I grow in my walk I have gained discernment regarding friends. I love people, and never knew a stranger, but I am guarded about the close company I  keep. 
Proverbs 12:26
New King James Version (NKJV)
26 The righteous should choose his friends carefully,
For the way of the wicked leads them astray.

God has his hand on me and is continually molding and shaping me into His vision. He is not a "fair weather friend" as He stands by me through all my trials, sorrows and triumphs! He gave His life for me! 
"What a friend we have in Jesus"! I know it's an oldie, but I just love this song!
  1. What a friend we have in Jesus,
    All our sins and griefs to bear!
    What a privilege to carry
    Everything to God in prayer!
    Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
    Oh, what needless pain we bear,
    All because we do not carry
    Everything to God in prayer!
  2. Have we trials and temptations?
    Is there trouble anywhere?
    We should never be discouraged—
    Take it to the Lord in prayer.
    Can we find a friend so faithful,
    Who will all our sorrows share?
    Jesus knows our every weakness;
    Take it to the Lord in prayer.
  3. Are we weak and heavy-laden,
    Cumbered with a load of care?
    Precious Savior, still our refuge—
    Take it to the Lord in prayer.
    Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
    Take it to the Lord in prayer!
    In His arms He’ll take and shield thee,
    Thou wilt find a solace there.
  4. Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised
    Thou wilt all our burdens bear;
    May we ever, Lord, be bringing
    All to Thee in earnest prayer.
    Soon in glory bright, unclouded,
    There will be no need for prayer—
    Rapture, praise, and endless worship
    Will be our sweet portion there.

I know that God has brought all of us together through Deby, and what a blessing it is to be able to share His Word with my friends and sisters in Christ! Thank you Deby, and I thank God He has allowed us to reconnect!

Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. for Him! Sometimes I look back and think about what if's. I know I shared with Curt about this, but don't know if I did you. I was thinking about how you dated his brother, Rich, and how things could have been different. (I know-then you wouldn't have had Joe, your guys, the life you have in Texas now) But, just saying it would have been neat to have you as my sis-in-law all these years. I know/see how God has used me in the H family, but girl-we would have tore through them together and perhaps Rich would still be here. I'm not standing in the past, just taking a glimpse of "what if".

    I do know I am so very thankful that He has blessed my life with you and the others through this journey. It is so exciting to think about "what will be" in our growing relationships. Who knows, He may have an annual get together in mind one day.....Have a wonderful Monday - God blesses -deby

    I so miss the old hymns. There are some wonderful new songs out today, but a whole generation is missing out on some really deep words. This is one of my favorites that I'll catch myself singing when I mow. One of the many reasons I love my job is to be in His nature.

    "I Come To The Garden Alone"

    I come to the garden alone

    while the dew is still on the roses

    And the voice I hear,

    falling on my ear,

    The Son of God discloses,

    And He walks with me,

    and He talks with me,

    And He tells me I am His own,

    and the Joy we share

    as we tarry there,

    None other has ever known.

    He speaks, and the sound of His voice

    Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,

    And the melody that He gave to me

    Within my heart is ringing,

    And He walks with me,

    and He talks with me,

    And He tells me I am His own,

    and the Joy we share

    as we tarry there,

    None other has ever known.

    I'd stay in the garden with Him

    Though the night around me be falling,

    But He bids me go;

    through the voice of woe,

    His voice to me is calling.

    And He walks with me,

    And He talks with me,

    And He tells me I am His own,

    And the Joy we share

    as we tarry there,

    None other has ever known...
