Friday, March 30, 2012

Joshua 22:1-24:33

This is my first attempt at blogging, so please be kind and remember... "patience is a virtue"! :)
I was recently visiting family in my hometown when I ran into an old dear friend named Deby while at church with my sister. She asked if I would be interested in blogging through The Word with her and others. I was immediately intrigued as I am currently taking a hiatus from a 23 year career as an R.N. with 30years in health care altogether. I definitely knew I would have the time, and have never NOT worked so.....I'm thinking, what better way to spend my time but to be in His Word with friends! 
BTW, thanks Deby for the invite, so here goes my first blog impression of the verses from today...

When Israel sent Phinehas and rulers from the ten tribes to the land of Gilead, they jumped to conclusions about Joshua and the Reubenites and judged them without knowing the full story. Because Joshua and the Reubenites were steadfast in their faithfulness to God, did what he commanded, and spoke up for what was true and right things turned out well at the end of this story. 
People are quick to jump to conclusions and judge people, and I used to worry about what others thought of me, but I am so thankful I have a God that loves me unconditionally. There will always be people who judge us and fail us but how awesome is it that He will never leave or forsake us, and He gave His only Son for us! Our God is an awesome God!

 Not all of the stories in the bible have happy endings, and many people had there faith tested until their last breath. I then ask myself.......could I ever be as faithful as those who have given their lives and who are now daily placing their lives and the lives of their families in jeopardy to stand up for God's Word? It is been on my heart lately to pray for those that are doing just that, and I am asking you to join me in prayer for our missionaries and those subjected to regimes that do not allow praying to God, and reading or speaking God's Word. Thank you for sharing His Word with me today!

Wishing each of you a blessed day!

Hopefully I am doing this correctly, and as this blog continues I will get the hang of it, but for're just going to have to deal with it! LOL! :)


  1. My heart is singing!!!! I was just about to go to bed and thought I'd check to see if anyone had written - and there you are! Thank you for doing this and making this journey through His Word deeper. I loved how He brought to your mind about judging without knowing the full facts. And even when knowing, I still go ahead and judge at times instead of having grace, mercy and compassion. He is transforming my heart and I am listening to His lead more!

    I'll be posting verses on your FB in the am.
    Were you able to get Barb set up? Love your picture of the wildflowers - they always bring back wonderful memories of when the boys were little. You know, there will always be a part of me that misses Texas. Your sister and I will be making a road trip one day.

    God blesses - deby (I pray He conveys to you how very excited I am about this!)

  2. Julia, welcome. We are living opposite lives as you are entering a time of rest from work and I am entering the workforce from being a stay home mom. haha There are challenges with each, but each holds a new day full of different opportunities. Don't worry about HOW you blog...just write as you feel led. Your observations here are true. People DO judge very quickly. I am learning that you can't tell a heart from the outer person. At work I see all types and just when I think I have them stereotyped,I am convicted of just that. Lesson, treat them all as God's children..--well, guess I should get on to my own blog haha...Nice to meet you! Looking forward to your thoughts!
